Mail & Guardian interview with DR.Z

Mainstream news media channel Mail & Guardian interview as part of the coverage at the Ayashisa Amateki “KICKSTART15” sneaker design expo in Pretoria:

Ayashisa Amateki KICKSTART15 Event Recap

On Saturday 7th March, Pretoria’s 012Central and Ayashisa Amateki was host to SA’s first local sneaker design expo “KICKSTART15.” featuring local talent ranging from local grass-roots to global commercial projects. I was invited to showcase all of my production sneaker designs to date…here are some snaps from the event:

Ayashisa Amateki KICKSTART15 Event

If you’re in Pretoria this Saturday (7th March ‘15), I will be at the “Ayashisa Amateki” ‪‎KICKSTART15‬ sneaker event to showcase all my production sneaker projects to date. So check it! I will be posting some live images from the event on my twitter account so stay tuned here:

